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A Fundraising Success Story: Hei Verden Norway

How Hei Verden digitalised school fundraising in Norway & acquired new donors with iRaiser’s Peer to Peer solution.

Founded in 1973, Hei Verden is a school-oriented information and aid organisation based in Norway and with education projects in Laos, Peru, Zambia and Bangladesh. Their vision is a school for ALL children.

Hei Verden started using the iRaiser Peer to Peer solution at the end of 2019, and since then it has allowed many schools to continue to fundraise for them, especially during these past 2 years of the pandemic.

As of today, more than 80 school classes (and counting) across Norway use iRaiser’s Peer to Peer solution to fundraise for Hei Verden in an easy & secure way.


Download the case study and watch the video interview to find out how Hei Verden digitalised their traditional way of fundraising, reaching & recruiting thousands of new donors, and saving time & costs thanks to iRaiser’s solutions.